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Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Lame-O Template Changes 

Hmm. The only thing I can say about my change in the layout is that I changed only the color and nothing else. Talk about lame. -____-;;;;

But heck, for someone who doesn't know anymore abt html than I know how to make a nuclear bomb, it's pretty ok. Ok, maybe not just "ok", it was dumb common sense.

Although I'll admit I made several tiny false starts.

But hey, at least I like the color now. Not so bright. Dark is good. ^___^ And the aqua text color is nice, wot? Haha. I planned on using azure, but it didn't seem to have the same effect it did like on my poetry page. So I scrapped it.

I'll need to figure out how to make this blog better in terms of layout and stuff. I oughta get one of those "HTML for Dummies" guidebooks. Lol.

Watch this spot!


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