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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Thoughts About Me 

I've been doing some thinking today. Not too strange actually. I think a lot everyday. Too much, in fact.

Anyway, I found out something abt myself.

I wanted to die before. Still wanted to. But dun worry I'm not gonna do anything foolish. Suicide is dumb.

And not to mention the fact that I'm too much of a coward to die.

I hated my life, wanted to be free of it. Yet I cling on desperately to it for I was afraid.

A coward. That was all I am. All I can be. All I will be.

But harken to my words, I feared death not because of the usual reasons. I didn't mind physical death. What I feared was that my mind would die along with it.

I have never lost consciousness except when I was asleep. The thought of never ever being able to think, to learn, to understand, is a terrifying thought to one who loathes not to let my mind stop working.

Oh well. Life is like that. Maybe one day I will find someone or something strong enough to kill me. Ah well.

Til next time then.


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