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Monday, September 26, 2005

Ok I've got like, 15 minutes to finish this post before going to lesson.

I suppose I should skip it of course, but I'm feeling nice (*gasp*) today so I won't be mean and miss lesson.

I spent most of my weekend sleeping. I feel sort of guilty about that. I haven't written a new poem in 2 weeks! TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!!


I was in the midst of writing one last Friday really, but Benita and Joel got me caught up in a PC discussion over some poem, and we ended up analyzing the poem instead of me being all depressed and gothic-poety.

I know there's no such word. But who cares right?

But seriously, if I'm not writing poems it means I'm not suffering from emotional turbulence. That's supposed to be good, right?


I actually enjoy suffering from emotional turbulence. Weird, but true. I just like the feeling of being tortured inside.

Call me sado-machioistic, but its the truth.

Life dealt me a strange hand, but I live with it.

On one hand, I'm this kind, cheery helpful person who would go out of the way to assist someone.

On another hand, I'm this cynical little twit with too much time-a-wasting on my hands.

Time-a-wasting. That sounds like some cheesy line from a corny story.

Anyway, cynical remarks aside, I guess I'm not too bad a person. Really. I would like to believe that too. Don't you?

Gloomy preamble aside, let's move on to more cheerful topics shall we?

Wait, if all that long and pompous nonsense was just a preamble, then how would the real meat of the post look like?! *shock*

Today, both Grace and Lester were in school! Yay! Always a good thing. Grace has mostly recovered from her sore eyes, although some vestiges do remain.

Tomorrow is GP exam. Oddly I don't feel remotely worried or anxious or what not. I feel strangely detached from exam nerves this time round. I wonder why...

Of course if I wanted to be pessimistic, I could say that since I know I'm gonna fail and everything, there's no point worrying.

On the other hand, if I were an optimist, it could mean that I'm confident about the paper and thus need not worry endlessly.

Unfortunately I'm neither of the above. My philosophy is: Whatever will come, will come.

So yeah, what's the point of agonising over it and getting white hairs in the process? I don't need Erika plucking out any more of my white hairs everytime I run into her.

I just do what has to be done, make a few preparations, and dive into the exam like a fish into water.

Not that I swim very well of course.

Ah well its almsot 9.45am here, gotta go. Darn.

Oh well it's not like I had anything really substantial to blab about like I usually do.

Oooh. *looks up at stat counter*

The hits are going up! Slowly, of course, but they're going up nevertheless! *does a happy dance*

Ok I REALLY have to go or else I'll be late. Maybe when I think of something interesting to blog about, I'll be back...or not.

You don't really know, do you?

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