Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Dreaming of Home
Fleeting images sweep and haunt
Ghostly memories float and taunt---
There in that souless house
That wasn't home.
Shadows coalesced into single vision,
Building, brick by brick
That wonderful refuge,
Home away from home.
Of sad, sweet times---
Foundations of warmth and security
See there, a pane reflecting joy and unity--
Another, in contentment and comfort.
There, slab on slab of care and concern--
Mortared with peace and abiding love.
A child lies sprawled on an armchair-----
There, she teeters on a rickety stool---
Falls, laughing off a bicycle
She bleeds, injured
But not afraid----or alone---
That home filled with peace
Warmth, love and joy
Shining bright--comforting--
A haven in times of strife.
Alas, that vision fades
Glowing peace cedes to aching shadows----
Splendid no longer,
A crumbling old ruin---
Broken, cracked
Tumbled to dust and ashes.
Joy no longer
Peace abides not here---
There are only tears
Of loneliness
And regret.
For the foundation has gone---
The mortar rotted
Like a house of cards
It all falls apart.
All in a Dream ---whispers in the wind---
We can visit ---don't leave---
Live that lie ---is it time?---
That for just a while
We can be happy again.
Dropped by before Econs to post a poem. I'll post the other one after Econs...or tomorrow, depends....
Fleeting images sweep and haunt
Ghostly memories float and taunt---
There in that souless house
That wasn't home.
Shadows coalesced into single vision,
Building, brick by brick
That wonderful refuge,
Home away from home.
Of sad, sweet times---
Foundations of warmth and security
See there, a pane reflecting joy and unity--
Another, in contentment and comfort.
There, slab on slab of care and concern--
Mortared with peace and abiding love.
A child lies sprawled on an armchair-----
There, she teeters on a rickety stool---
Falls, laughing off a bicycle
She bleeds, injured
But not afraid----or alone---
That home filled with peace
Warmth, love and joy
Shining bright--comforting--
A haven in times of strife.
Alas, that vision fades
Glowing peace cedes to aching shadows----
Splendid no longer,
A crumbling old ruin---
Broken, cracked
Tumbled to dust and ashes.
Joy no longer
Peace abides not here---
There are only tears
Of loneliness
And regret.
For the foundation has gone---
The mortar rotted
Like a house of cards
It all falls apart.
All in a Dream ---whispers in the wind---
We can visit ---don't leave---
Live that lie ---is it time?---
That for just a while
We can be happy again.
Dropped by before Econs to post a poem. I'll post the other one after Econs...or tomorrow, depends....
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