Monday, October 17, 2005
Hey I'm back.
Saturday. Open House. Unmitigated disaster.
Or so I thought.
Actually it wasn't that bad. Partly because we just sat there the whole time without really doing anything.
Mostly because I was playing FFV and Tales of Phantasia the whole time.
Incidentally, the playing attracted much more people than our presentation. So yeah, it was kinda an advertising gimmick to draw people in.
Of course, the playing was fun too.
Like Grace's mother so wisely said, Open House, no matter what the school, is a day of lies and propaganda.
I totally agree with that statement.
Of course, we're advertising the school. Advertising is a subtle and nicer way of saying 'propaganda'. And as in all propaganda, there is always a certain amount of fabrication.
I had fun eating chicken nuggets that day. Yeah, we snacked and sat there idly until somebody asks us what we do in Computer Club. Then we tell them the stuff like 3D Modelling and Animation, a bit of gaming (this one was suggested by the Strategy Club, we're collaborating to hard-sell gaming as an attraction), and other random computer knowledge.
So all in all, it was a fairly successful Open House.
Now enough of all that nonsense.
I finished playing FFV! Finally! I cheated outrageously of course.
Using cheat codes, I maxed out all the characters' job levels. Then I levelled them up to level 50+. I could have set it to 99 I guess, but I didn't want it to become TOO much of a walkover.
I even figured out how to beat one of the most annoying bosses on my own with no help from FAQs whatsoever.
That Omniscent guy, he kept using the Return spell to restart the battle everytime I damaged him for like 8000+ damage. Yeah, the X-Fight skill is my favorite. Paired with the 2-hand passive ability, you can strike the opponent 8 times. And since I was doing 1000+ dmg per hit, that adds up to a cool 8000 damage per character.
Anyway, back to the boss.
So I was getting really annoyed since I couldn't defeat him. Then I realised this:
A sorceror is helpless without MP. Drain his MP, and he's a goner.
And what do you know? I had Magic Hammer in my Blue Magic spell list, which halves the target's MP.
So I just kept Magic Hammering that guy until he had no MP.
Funniest thing I ever saw actually. The guy kept trying to use spells only to have a 'No MP' message appear on the top of the screen.
Basically, I just used one of my characters to use Magic Hammer, while one cast Haste on the party, and the White Mage healing and casting Dispel on the boss as necessary.
Of course, once that guy had no MP, he couldn't use Return, and that's when I started using X-Fight and wiped him out in a single turn. Muahahahahah.
For Exdeath, the final boss, his first form was damn easy. A couple of X-Fights were all it took to trigger the event.
Of course, Neo-Exdeath was a pain in the butt. His Flare and Holy spells weren't so bad actually, did less than a 1000 damage.
It was the mass attack spell that really hurt me.
No, not Meteo. Meteo was relatively manageable. The other spell. I can't remember the name. I was busily swearing whenver it happened and rushing to heal my party.
So what was my attack strategy?
I used X-Fight for my main melee character, summoned Bahamut with my Caller, used one character as a healer, and another to cast Haste and stuff.
Actually, I could have done better one that strategy.
I should have equipped everybody with Call to summon Bahamut, X-Fight for Zack (my main charac) and Faris, White Magic for Cara and Time Magic for Lenna as secondary abilities.
Then we Bahamut Neo-Exdeath with every character, barring times for Cara and Lenna to cast support and healing magic.
I think I'll try fighting Neo-Exdeath again. The wonder of save-states. Heh.
Bahamut's Megaflare is soooooooo wonderful.
4000+ damage to all targets! Woot!
The only drawback is that it takes up 66MP.
I had to use Elixir on Faris once to get her MP up again to cast Bahamut. I didn't even bother to summon Leviathan. Haha.
Anyway enough rambling about FFV. I have to go for class.
Damn, and I totally forgot to post the point I wanted to make for this post.
Oh well, there's always the next time!
Saturday. Open House. Unmitigated disaster.
Or so I thought.
Actually it wasn't that bad. Partly because we just sat there the whole time without really doing anything.
Mostly because I was playing FFV and Tales of Phantasia the whole time.
Incidentally, the playing attracted much more people than our presentation. So yeah, it was kinda an advertising gimmick to draw people in.
Of course, the playing was fun too.
Like Grace's mother so wisely said, Open House, no matter what the school, is a day of lies and propaganda.
I totally agree with that statement.
Of course, we're advertising the school. Advertising is a subtle and nicer way of saying 'propaganda'. And as in all propaganda, there is always a certain amount of fabrication.
I had fun eating chicken nuggets that day. Yeah, we snacked and sat there idly until somebody asks us what we do in Computer Club. Then we tell them the stuff like 3D Modelling and Animation, a bit of gaming (this one was suggested by the Strategy Club, we're collaborating to hard-sell gaming as an attraction), and other random computer knowledge.
So all in all, it was a fairly successful Open House.
Now enough of all that nonsense.
I finished playing FFV! Finally! I cheated outrageously of course.
Using cheat codes, I maxed out all the characters' job levels. Then I levelled them up to level 50+. I could have set it to 99 I guess, but I didn't want it to become TOO much of a walkover.
I even figured out how to beat one of the most annoying bosses on my own with no help from FAQs whatsoever.
That Omniscent guy, he kept using the Return spell to restart the battle everytime I damaged him for like 8000+ damage. Yeah, the X-Fight skill is my favorite. Paired with the 2-hand passive ability, you can strike the opponent 8 times. And since I was doing 1000+ dmg per hit, that adds up to a cool 8000 damage per character.
Anyway, back to the boss.
So I was getting really annoyed since I couldn't defeat him. Then I realised this:
A sorceror is helpless without MP. Drain his MP, and he's a goner.
And what do you know? I had Magic Hammer in my Blue Magic spell list, which halves the target's MP.
So I just kept Magic Hammering that guy until he had no MP.
Funniest thing I ever saw actually. The guy kept trying to use spells only to have a 'No MP' message appear on the top of the screen.
Basically, I just used one of my characters to use Magic Hammer, while one cast Haste on the party, and the White Mage healing and casting Dispel on the boss as necessary.
Of course, once that guy had no MP, he couldn't use Return, and that's when I started using X-Fight and wiped him out in a single turn. Muahahahahah.
For Exdeath, the final boss, his first form was damn easy. A couple of X-Fights were all it took to trigger the event.
Of course, Neo-Exdeath was a pain in the butt. His Flare and Holy spells weren't so bad actually, did less than a 1000 damage.
It was the mass attack spell that really hurt me.
No, not Meteo. Meteo was relatively manageable. The other spell. I can't remember the name. I was busily swearing whenver it happened and rushing to heal my party.
So what was my attack strategy?
I used X-Fight for my main melee character, summoned Bahamut with my Caller, used one character as a healer, and another to cast Haste and stuff.
Actually, I could have done better one that strategy.
I should have equipped everybody with Call to summon Bahamut, X-Fight for Zack (my main charac) and Faris, White Magic for Cara and Time Magic for Lenna as secondary abilities.
Then we Bahamut Neo-Exdeath with every character, barring times for Cara and Lenna to cast support and healing magic.
I think I'll try fighting Neo-Exdeath again. The wonder of save-states. Heh.
Bahamut's Megaflare is soooooooo wonderful.
4000+ damage to all targets! Woot!
The only drawback is that it takes up 66MP.
I had to use Elixir on Faris once to get her MP up again to cast Bahamut. I didn't even bother to summon Leviathan. Haha.
Anyway enough rambling about FFV. I have to go for class.
Damn, and I totally forgot to post the point I wanted to make for this post.
Oh well, there's always the next time!
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