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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Yeah!! *pumps fist in air*

Econs is over!!

Now only Literature left, and I'm good at Literature.

Nope I'm not bragging. It's known as bragging only if it isn't true.

And since I got a C for Literature the last time during common test, and its the highest grade I got out of all my A level subjects, AND the fact that its one of 3 Cs scored by the entire Literature cohort (the highest being one measly B), I can say that I'm relatively good.

You know, I'd always thought that Econs was going to be a disaster. It wasn't. Honest.

I mean, I made it. I felt a sense of effusive peace after my paper. It was as if I knew that I wouldn't be in serious danger of failing my paper. Which was good, of course. Especially since I need all the points I can get to offset my lousy History grade.

The best and most astonishing part of the whole business was, of course, that I did the whole paper on an empty stomach.

That's right, I haven't taken breakfast, nor lunch, and was going on empty. But it didn't bother me at all.

Actually, it only started to bother me right now. I'm having a headache. Ugh.

Am I gonna confess to my dad that I forgot to eat? Nope.

Am I gonna collapse soon? Probably yes, but one can hope.

Do I really care about my grades? Heck yes.

Why? It runs in contrary to my usual philosophy. But you see, if I get bad grades NOW, it means I will be rousted out of my comfortable routine and forced to slog like the mules I so despise. Therefore, getting good grades is simply a means to stay the way I am now.

Actually, I am so glad that I'm an IT geek. You know why? Cuz the essay questions I did, both of them, were IT-related. Muahahahhaahha!

Serious. The first question was on MP3 players, and I knew quite a bit about that. I mean, I was quoting prices of the various models. How much geekier can I get than that?

The 2nd question was talking about R&D spenditure by large firms, and they mentioned Nokia and Microsoft. Naturally, I had plenty to say. At least, I had a few examples to quote and back up my argument. Gyahahahhaha....

I mean, I even dredged up the old Microsoft-booting-Netscape out of the industry story as an example to make my point. And I even used recent complaints by consumers in the newspapers about Nokia's lousy after-sale customer service as a point in my essay.

Man, I'm really working it baby.

Ok enough smugness. It might have bad karma.

Now for Literature tomorrow. I pray for a nicely sad poem for PC. It's the only way I can pass that section.

I suppose I owe Mr Tan Chai Kwang a vote of thanks. If I hadn't paid as much attention as I did to his second-last tutorial, I wouldn't have been able to do the essays quite as well.

Now, before I really collapse due to extreme cold and hunger, I shall sign out and hightail it outta here.

But wait, I have something else to do.....

Ah well you guys will see it later.

Byeee!! *waves enthusiastically*

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