Thursday, December 22, 2005
Ano....I'm back....why am I back? No freaking idea why I'm blogging here and there!
Reading fanfiction right now. Taking a break from T4C. I'm lvl 8 now by the way. Yeah I know I'm kinda slow, but I don't play 24/7. I'm not THAT hooked.
Playing T4C confirmed one thing about me. I have absolutely NO sense of direction. I managed to get lost on my way to Windhowl. Twice. Even with a map.
My only defense is that it was a crappy map in the first place, and I was distracted.
But eventually I worked it out, and now I'm off in the wilderness killing brigands, assassins, and assorted goblins of different ranks. I hardly go back to town unless I want to train skills or sell stuff. I don't need to buy anything---yet---since the stuff I need I can get from monster drops. In fact, I got my next weapon ready already. Just have to level up twice more to have a high enough agility to use it. I also got a couple of assorted armor off the brigands and gobs. Decided to head back to Lighthaven to train in the crypt, since the Tomb Raider (no NOT Lara Croft silly) has a nice armor drop. And the exp isn't too bad there either. Plus, I can go back to town without worrying about getting lost. Heh.
I'm more of a lone ranger player. You know, the kind of person that wanders around on their own to explore and kill things. I was grateful for Jim's initial help to ease me back into T4C life, but once I get adjusted I prefer to hunt alone. Dunno why. I don't mind human interaction, but when I'm training I prefer to go at it alone once I reach a certain proficiency.
Ok enough babbling about T4C. I think the people reading this wouldn't be interested anyway.
I'm not doing a lot of things. I'm not jumping straight back into forum worlds. I'm not even downloading BoA stuff (shocking I know). I'm just reading fanfiction and playing T4C. With a bit of blogging thrown in from time to time.
I like it this way. I'm not too attached to T4C, which minimizes withdrawal symptoms. I'm less stressed without being actively involved in a forum, and as for BoA...well...I know if I start I probably can't stop....x__X
Ok on to anime-verse! I've been watching D N Angel (I know I'm backdated but who freaking cares???) and I absolutely adore the Daisuke/Riku pairing. I think Dark is very cool. I did always have a soft spot for thieves. Like Yuffie from FF7, Locke from FF3, Stragen and Talen from the Elenium by David Eddings, Rikku from FFX...the list goes on.
For some weird reason though, Risa annoys me to no end. And I think its a weird reason because as a rule, I tend to like long haired girls (read: my obsession with BoA). But Riku, even with short hair and tomboyish ways, is far more endearing to me. I guess I like combative characters more than wishy-washy ones. And appearance is secondary (lol).
As for Satoshi, what can I say? He's hot. I like him. While Daisuke is endearingly kawaii and almost innocently good-natured, Satoshi has an edge to him. Who can blame him, when he has the psychotic Krad trapped in him? Yeah I think Krad is psychotic. Hot, but psychotic all the same. In a way, he's dangerously attractive. He's the kind one would have a fling with, but not one you would want to bring home to your parents (he'll probably kill them or something haha).
Pairings-wise, I like Daisuke/Riku, as mentioned above. Dark/Risa is plausible, even though Risa irritates me. Satoshi/Risa is fascinating, but I have yet to see any positive indicators in the anime regarding this pairing. I'm only halfway through though, so it might turn up later or something. Daisuke/Satoshi is obvious. Yaoi yes, but they fit in a wrong kind of right way. After all, they both have "other halves", and Satoshi is obsessed with catching Dark, which indirectly leads him to be obsessed with Daisuke. Daisuke/Dark I prefer only for platonic relations. You know, mutual understanding and the like. Nothing like love and weird feelings to complicate it. Krad/Satoshi I can see why. It's sadistic, but alluring. You know what I mean. ^__^
Pairing Krad and Dark together would be VERY interesting. They hate each other. And therefore, in the twisted world of fanfiction-dom, they are potential lovers. Yeah I know the logic is screwed, but don't you know that there's a very thin line between love and hate? :P
Ok enough about D N Angel.
What to say next? Perhaps there really is nothing to say.
My dad's asleep, as is my grandma. Yeah, the ancient relic of doom is back. (refer to older posts :P)
No, actually I don't really resent her anymore. Maybe it's a sign I'm maturing (finally!)? Or perhaps just a sense of partial guilt for her condition.
No, I'm not going to elaborate on that.
Actually, I've been coming to appreciate the more mundane things in life. Note I said mundane, not simple. Mundane things can be simple, but simple things may not be mundane. It's a subtle line dividing the two.
Mundane things, like waking up to cover my dad with a blanket when he was shivering. When he wakes up to shut the windows so the wind wouldn't chill us to the bone. Like helping my grandmother shower and change her diapers. Like serving my elders.
Little things, really. Yet, little and almost insignificant to our conscious minds at times, I've started to feel, to realise the sense of satisfaction, even contentment, when such things occur.
A mundane life might be boring at times, but who says you can't find joy and fufillment in it?
Maybe I'm really growing up emotionally after all.
I think I will think back often to that quiet little scene in the kitchen, where my father, grandmother, and I sat together, sharing an apple I had sliced, in relative silence. None of us said anything; we didn't have to. All I did was to bask in the knowledge that I was with family, the warmth and peace was good enough for me. I was, in a strange way, happy. Truly happy, happiness from the heart, not the kind of superficial happiness that is so fleeting.
Even though my mother was no longer there. The scene would have been perfect with my mother in it. But she isn't, and while I mourn her in a quiet corner of my heart at all times, I take heart and celebrate what I do have, instead of agonising over what I don't.
Maybe I am growing up after all.
Reading fanfiction right now. Taking a break from T4C. I'm lvl 8 now by the way. Yeah I know I'm kinda slow, but I don't play 24/7. I'm not THAT hooked.
Playing T4C confirmed one thing about me. I have absolutely NO sense of direction. I managed to get lost on my way to Windhowl. Twice. Even with a map.
My only defense is that it was a crappy map in the first place, and I was distracted.
But eventually I worked it out, and now I'm off in the wilderness killing brigands, assassins, and assorted goblins of different ranks. I hardly go back to town unless I want to train skills or sell stuff. I don't need to buy anything---yet---since the stuff I need I can get from monster drops. In fact, I got my next weapon ready already. Just have to level up twice more to have a high enough agility to use it. I also got a couple of assorted armor off the brigands and gobs. Decided to head back to Lighthaven to train in the crypt, since the Tomb Raider (no NOT Lara Croft silly) has a nice armor drop. And the exp isn't too bad there either. Plus, I can go back to town without worrying about getting lost. Heh.
I'm more of a lone ranger player. You know, the kind of person that wanders around on their own to explore and kill things. I was grateful for Jim's initial help to ease me back into T4C life, but once I get adjusted I prefer to hunt alone. Dunno why. I don't mind human interaction, but when I'm training I prefer to go at it alone once I reach a certain proficiency.
Ok enough babbling about T4C. I think the people reading this wouldn't be interested anyway.
I'm not doing a lot of things. I'm not jumping straight back into forum worlds. I'm not even downloading BoA stuff (shocking I know). I'm just reading fanfiction and playing T4C. With a bit of blogging thrown in from time to time.
I like it this way. I'm not too attached to T4C, which minimizes withdrawal symptoms. I'm less stressed without being actively involved in a forum, and as for BoA...well...I know if I start I probably can't stop....x__X
Ok on to anime-verse! I've been watching D N Angel (I know I'm backdated but who freaking cares???) and I absolutely adore the Daisuke/Riku pairing. I think Dark is very cool. I did always have a soft spot for thieves. Like Yuffie from FF7, Locke from FF3, Stragen and Talen from the Elenium by David Eddings, Rikku from FFX...the list goes on.
For some weird reason though, Risa annoys me to no end. And I think its a weird reason because as a rule, I tend to like long haired girls (read: my obsession with BoA). But Riku, even with short hair and tomboyish ways, is far more endearing to me. I guess I like combative characters more than wishy-washy ones. And appearance is secondary (lol).
As for Satoshi, what can I say? He's hot. I like him. While Daisuke is endearingly kawaii and almost innocently good-natured, Satoshi has an edge to him. Who can blame him, when he has the psychotic Krad trapped in him? Yeah I think Krad is psychotic. Hot, but psychotic all the same. In a way, he's dangerously attractive. He's the kind one would have a fling with, but not one you would want to bring home to your parents (he'll probably kill them or something haha).
Pairings-wise, I like Daisuke/Riku, as mentioned above. Dark/Risa is plausible, even though Risa irritates me. Satoshi/Risa is fascinating, but I have yet to see any positive indicators in the anime regarding this pairing. I'm only halfway through though, so it might turn up later or something. Daisuke/Satoshi is obvious. Yaoi yes, but they fit in a wrong kind of right way. After all, they both have "other halves", and Satoshi is obsessed with catching Dark, which indirectly leads him to be obsessed with Daisuke. Daisuke/Dark I prefer only for platonic relations. You know, mutual understanding and the like. Nothing like love and weird feelings to complicate it. Krad/Satoshi I can see why. It's sadistic, but alluring. You know what I mean. ^__^
Pairing Krad and Dark together would be VERY interesting. They hate each other. And therefore, in the twisted world of fanfiction-dom, they are potential lovers. Yeah I know the logic is screwed, but don't you know that there's a very thin line between love and hate? :P
Ok enough about D N Angel.
What to say next? Perhaps there really is nothing to say.
My dad's asleep, as is my grandma. Yeah, the ancient relic of doom is back. (refer to older posts :P)
No, actually I don't really resent her anymore. Maybe it's a sign I'm maturing (finally!)? Or perhaps just a sense of partial guilt for her condition.
No, I'm not going to elaborate on that.
Actually, I've been coming to appreciate the more mundane things in life. Note I said mundane, not simple. Mundane things can be simple, but simple things may not be mundane. It's a subtle line dividing the two.
Mundane things, like waking up to cover my dad with a blanket when he was shivering. When he wakes up to shut the windows so the wind wouldn't chill us to the bone. Like helping my grandmother shower and change her diapers. Like serving my elders.
Little things, really. Yet, little and almost insignificant to our conscious minds at times, I've started to feel, to realise the sense of satisfaction, even contentment, when such things occur.
A mundane life might be boring at times, but who says you can't find joy and fufillment in it?
Maybe I'm really growing up emotionally after all.
I think I will think back often to that quiet little scene in the kitchen, where my father, grandmother, and I sat together, sharing an apple I had sliced, in relative silence. None of us said anything; we didn't have to. All I did was to bask in the knowledge that I was with family, the warmth and peace was good enough for me. I was, in a strange way, happy. Truly happy, happiness from the heart, not the kind of superficial happiness that is so fleeting.
Even though my mother was no longer there. The scene would have been perfect with my mother in it. But she isn't, and while I mourn her in a quiet corner of my heart at all times, I take heart and celebrate what I do have, instead of agonising over what I don't.
Maybe I am growing up after all.
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