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Thursday, January 19, 2006


Listening to Hyori's Anymotion. It's not bad.

Feeling kinda "duh". Like...just sitting there. Not really bored, but getting to it.

Found out stuff about people that made me feel like a complete jerk. And I wasn't even doing it on purpose.

Says a lot about how thick-headed I am. And self-centered. Meh.

I've had a disgustingly normal and yet absolutely blissful childhood. I never knew how much of a blessing that was. Ah well, now I do.

At least I have happy memories to look back on. Although, admittedly, looking back and knowing that it would never return is probably even more painful than never having it. But at least I've got a good headstart.

Life is unfair. Not only for me, but for everybody else. It's almost impossible for life to be completely fair. It just doesn't work that way.

Ok, BoA's Everlasting isn't making me feel any better about this situation. It's so dramatic that it makes everything sound worse. Did that make sense?

Today in school, during Moral Ed, we had to go round writing about what we liked or wished to change about a person.

I wrote mostly nice stuff. I didn't know the others well enough to write bad stuff. Haha. Isn't that ironic?

When I got mine back, I had mixed feelings. There were a lot of nice comments, a lot of which I felt I didn't deserve.

Am I a good friend? Only to some people maybe. Then why did so many people say good things about me when I haven't really done anything for them? It doesn't make sense.

Of course, I had the "constructive criticism" comments. Stuff like "You should try to keep up with your work". Which was totally justified and I acknowledge that.

Many more wrote that I should be more "open". Joel wrote, in the exact words, "Be more open! Open door policy!". he just had to say that. Haha.

If anyone wrote Glasnost there, I would have hunted him/her down and strangled them.

Only History students will appreciate the previous comment.


But overall I felt that I didn't deserve quite a few of the comments. The good ones I mean. The bad ones were justified. So yeah.

People. We don't know them. Not really.

How many of my classmates know what really goes through my head?

Don't answer that last question.

My dad is grumbling again. Cheerios. How I feel now can only be described by this:

*waves Erika's MSN display pic*

It says: "Urge to kill...rising."

Which sums it up pretty nicely really.

Alright, before I go nuts and explode (which I never do, but let's not tempt fate), I shall leave and go buy dinner. And give myself time to think.

Learning to breathe...

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