Friday, February 17, 2006
Been a while since the last post.
How long has it been?
I don't really care. It's my blog.
I'm still totally addicted to Haruka/Michiru pairing. To the point of saving piccys of them. Like the way I do for BoA. Lol.

I mean, look at that. Totally a H/M moment! And don't give me that crap about cousins, sisters, or "just friends"! Just admit and accept the fact that they are so destined for each other.
And if the 1st picture doesn't change the stubborn minds out there, I'm sure THIS one would.

How could anybody, looking at the above picture, STILL deny the fact that Haruka and Michiru ARE in fact lovers and not whatever crap the dubs have been feeding you?
*breathes deeply* Ok, calming down now.
These two are my favorite couple. The fact that they fit together, not only in terms of their personalities, but also in terms of physical compatibility. The way Michiru seems to fit just nicely into Haruka's embrace is no coincidence. I mean, seriously, when Michi leans into Ruka, her head rests exactly on Ruka's shoulder, no more and no less. Plus, it helps that our aqua-haired senshi is easily the prettiest of all the Sailor Senshi, both Inner and Outer. And does it come as any coincidence that Haruka is also the most masculine among all the senshi? After all, even the Inners mistook Haruka for a really really hot guy the first time they met her.
Ok I'm seriously descending into fangirl mode, which is not a good thing...not really anyway.
Ok, for two of my fav Haruka/Michiru pictures. These are fanart, and they're quite well done.

*is grinning fanatically*

Aren't they just adorable together?
And the 2nd pic shows just how much like a boy Haruka looks. XD
Ok here's another Haruka pic.

By this point in time you can pretty much tell that I really like Haruka. Yes, I like Michiru too, but I prefer Haruka, probably because some aspects of her character really remind me of myself. That and the fact that we're both tomboys. Major difference is that Haruka is actually a lot prettier. *sigh*
Alright then one last picture.

There, a destined couple. Check out the site listed there. Oh, and I got this one from a doujinshi. Really sweet Haruka/Michiru fluff. I read it over and over and go "awww" every single time. Haha.
I still cannot believe the fact that I'm so into the Sailor Moon series. Actually I'm only into it because of this pairing. Granted, I think Usagi and Mamoru make a really adorable couple. Mainly because Mamoru is so hot. Haha.
While trawling the net for more pics, I accidentally ran into a site where I found out that not only does BSSM have a canon yuri couple, they also have a canon yaoi couple. Yeah I know. O__o
Talk about serious unorthodoxy. Granted, that yaoi pairing has one guy looking like a total tranvestite. I mean, at least when Haruka transforms into Uranus, she looks like the woman she really is. That guy just goes around looking for all the world like a woman 24/7. And let's not get me started on the Starlights now. Just thinking about Seiya and his senshi form... *shudder*
Strange how when I was a lot younger, I did follow a bit of the Sailor Moon series, albeit probably the whitewashed one, since Singaporean TV would censor out any possible material hinting at unorthodox pairings and the like.
Speaking of censorship, I still wonder how they managed to slip one very obvious scene in and pass it off as innocent. I mean, it's the one where Michiru/Neptune screams that "A world without Haruka isn't worth saving!".
How can anybody, after hearing that line, still doubt their relationship? Sisters, or cousins, might grieve when the other dies. But they wouldn't say something like THAT. Only lovers would, and that's what they were.
I wonder if they totally removed that scene from the "sanitised" version.
Ok I just read the doujinshi for the nth time. So kawaii!! Michiru giggles quite often over the phone lol. And Haruka being all cool and gentlemanly...and let's not forget the adorable weakness she displays for sweet stuff. (like cookies, sweets...and of course, Michiru. ^__~)
This is one of the few times that a pairing has so totally seized my imagination. I mean, I like a lot of pairings, but never to the extent that I start saving pictures of them. Haha.
Haruka and Michiru have a relationship that not only fufills my "physical" requirement (don't ask), but also the drama-emotional requirement. Not to mention the fluff. They can be awfully fluffy when put in the hands of the right author. I love fluff.
Stop looking at me like I grew another head.
Yes I know I'm usually an angst person. But fluff is healthy. It balances off my darker moods. Haha. The really good angst fics on Haruka and Michiru do make me weep like a baby though. Something about them really touches my heart. Probably, like I said before, I see part of myself reflected in Haruka. Actually, if I could choose, I would want to be like Haruka. Hehe.
Looking at them though, I sigh and wonder...
Where the heck is MY Michiru then?
Lucky Haruka. Sigh. I want my soulmate too. Its depressing. Ok I'm gonna go read more H/M fluff to get my mind off it. Ja ne!
How long has it been?
I don't really care. It's my blog.
I'm still totally addicted to Haruka/Michiru pairing. To the point of saving piccys of them. Like the way I do for BoA. Lol.

I mean, look at that. Totally a H/M moment! And don't give me that crap about cousins, sisters, or "just friends"! Just admit and accept the fact that they are so destined for each other.
And if the 1st picture doesn't change the stubborn minds out there, I'm sure THIS one would.

How could anybody, looking at the above picture, STILL deny the fact that Haruka and Michiru ARE in fact lovers and not whatever crap the dubs have been feeding you?
*breathes deeply* Ok, calming down now.
These two are my favorite couple. The fact that they fit together, not only in terms of their personalities, but also in terms of physical compatibility. The way Michiru seems to fit just nicely into Haruka's embrace is no coincidence. I mean, seriously, when Michi leans into Ruka, her head rests exactly on Ruka's shoulder, no more and no less. Plus, it helps that our aqua-haired senshi is easily the prettiest of all the Sailor Senshi, both Inner and Outer. And does it come as any coincidence that Haruka is also the most masculine among all the senshi? After all, even the Inners mistook Haruka for a really really hot guy the first time they met her.
Ok I'm seriously descending into fangirl mode, which is not a good thing...not really anyway.
Ok, for two of my fav Haruka/Michiru pictures. These are fanart, and they're quite well done.

*is grinning fanatically*

Aren't they just adorable together?
And the 2nd pic shows just how much like a boy Haruka looks. XD
Ok here's another Haruka pic.

By this point in time you can pretty much tell that I really like Haruka. Yes, I like Michiru too, but I prefer Haruka, probably because some aspects of her character really remind me of myself. That and the fact that we're both tomboys. Major difference is that Haruka is actually a lot prettier. *sigh*
Alright then one last picture.

There, a destined couple. Check out the site listed there. Oh, and I got this one from a doujinshi. Really sweet Haruka/Michiru fluff. I read it over and over and go "awww" every single time. Haha.
I still cannot believe the fact that I'm so into the Sailor Moon series. Actually I'm only into it because of this pairing. Granted, I think Usagi and Mamoru make a really adorable couple. Mainly because Mamoru is so hot. Haha.
While trawling the net for more pics, I accidentally ran into a site where I found out that not only does BSSM have a canon yuri couple, they also have a canon yaoi couple. Yeah I know. O__o
Talk about serious unorthodoxy. Granted, that yaoi pairing has one guy looking like a total tranvestite. I mean, at least when Haruka transforms into Uranus, she looks like the woman she really is. That guy just goes around looking for all the world like a woman 24/7. And let's not get me started on the Starlights now. Just thinking about Seiya and his senshi form... *shudder*
Strange how when I was a lot younger, I did follow a bit of the Sailor Moon series, albeit probably the whitewashed one, since Singaporean TV would censor out any possible material hinting at unorthodox pairings and the like.
Speaking of censorship, I still wonder how they managed to slip one very obvious scene in and pass it off as innocent. I mean, it's the one where Michiru/Neptune screams that "A world without Haruka isn't worth saving!".
How can anybody, after hearing that line, still doubt their relationship? Sisters, or cousins, might grieve when the other dies. But they wouldn't say something like THAT. Only lovers would, and that's what they were.
I wonder if they totally removed that scene from the "sanitised" version.
Ok I just read the doujinshi for the nth time. So kawaii!! Michiru giggles quite often over the phone lol. And Haruka being all cool and gentlemanly...and let's not forget the adorable weakness she displays for sweet stuff. (like cookies, sweets...and of course, Michiru. ^__~)
This is one of the few times that a pairing has so totally seized my imagination. I mean, I like a lot of pairings, but never to the extent that I start saving pictures of them. Haha.
Haruka and Michiru have a relationship that not only fufills my "physical" requirement (don't ask), but also the drama-emotional requirement. Not to mention the fluff. They can be awfully fluffy when put in the hands of the right author. I love fluff.
Stop looking at me like I grew another head.
Yes I know I'm usually an angst person. But fluff is healthy. It balances off my darker moods. Haha. The really good angst fics on Haruka and Michiru do make me weep like a baby though. Something about them really touches my heart. Probably, like I said before, I see part of myself reflected in Haruka. Actually, if I could choose, I would want to be like Haruka. Hehe.
Looking at them though, I sigh and wonder...
Where the heck is MY Michiru then?
Lucky Haruka. Sigh. I want my soulmate too. Its depressing. Ok I'm gonna go read more H/M fluff to get my mind off it. Ja ne!
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