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Saturday, April 22, 2006

I like being sad.

It's morbid, but its true. Being sad is fun...kinda.

Probably because I'm just so bloody used to it. Damn.

I have a sudden urge to finish writing that old (and I mean really old) fic of mine. The vampire one. But then again when you get right down to it, the main premise of that story was cliched and well, not very good. Oh well.

Feeling restless again. I was terribly hungry earlier, and had to resort to raiding the fridge several times. I feel better now, but now I'm just restless. Ugh.

*bangs head against table* What is wrong with me??

"That's enough, rest now."
I'm cold.
"Don't do it anymore. You can stop now."
Where am I?
"Sleep now. It's safe."
Who are you?
"Rest. You have had more than enough."
I don't know.
"It's alright. Everything's alright now."
I don't know anything.
"You can close your eyes."
Don't leave.
"We'll be by your side."
I don't want to be alone.
"Sleep, little one. We'll protect you."

You know, while typing the above, I kept thinking of the japanese equivalent. Too much anime-watching. I think I blame Sailor Moon for teaching me that 'mamoru' means 'to protect'. Or something along those lines.

First line came from Scrapped Princess. I can't get that line and that scene out of my head. Those sad eyes, whispering those words. "That's enough."

Second line is a regular fixture from my Lala Land. Heh.

The third was an extension of the first.

Fourth, another fixture.

Fifth, recycled from random shows.

Sixth, ringing in my head with Dizzy's voice.

Seventh, it just seemed right.

Eighth, another anime staple I stole.

Ninth, I can see them saying it. In some anime.

Tenth, so very helpless yes?

Eleventh, it felt so very right.

Twelvth, back for another round.

Thirteenth, old and cliched. Still good though.

Fourteenth, possibly the most reused line ever.

Fifteenth, is it me, or I can see wings?

Sixteenth, I just saw Usagi/Sawai Miyuu for some reason. No, it probably doesn't make sense to most people.

If anyone made sense of the above, you are a genius. Either that or you've been reading my mind. Especially towards the end. The beginning was still ok, as was the middle. But the last few lines were directly from images from my sometimes crazy head.

No, I don't want to explain any further. Now go away and leave me alone already.

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