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Thursday, April 20, 2006

My life would be a whole lot funnier if more people took time to look at it.

I just thought of that line randomly.

Oh ya, I've been writing random drabbles. Two of them were set in my original story, but I'm not putting those up because they are meant for characterisation purposes. They turned out pretty well too, if I do say so myself.

The one that I'm tempted to put up is one from WHR, in Robin's perspective. The inspiration came from episode 26 of the anime, where Robin's true identity and purpose is revealed, and also that very sad scene where she hears the imprisoned witches crying from the tanks. I wonder how it feels like for her to be the martyr, the one who carries all the sins and hopes of her people.

There are obvious biblical allusions in the anime. It just gets stronger towards the end, especially in episode 25 where Juliano comes to speak with Robin at STN-J headquarters, and the wide windows behind them bear patterns that look suspiciously like a crucifix. You have to watch it understand what I mean.

And the best (and worst) part is that Juliano is talking to Robin about how her existence should not have been allowed, that she bears the Original Sin etc etc. *cough* Then you jutaxpose the content of the conversation with the very ostentatious symbol on the window behind them. I mean, hello, obvious reference to Jesus with the cross thing, and the whole rambling about how the sins of the witches are bornt by Robin? *coughCOUGH*

And, like so many reviewers said, its hard to shake off the visual allusion to a cross that Robin's hairstyle evokes. She's the perfect witch, created to be that way. The Eve of witches, created to give them hope for their future, as she alone can carry their bloodline for sure. She's, unfortunately, also persecuted for all that she symbolises by normal humans, who despise witches. Hunted by the organisation she once worked for, simply because her existence is a threat to human supremacy.

Interesting, isn't it?

Of course, more biblical allusions are in the form of Robin's mother's name: Maria. Ring any bells yet? Oh and let's not forget what the inquistor said to Robin in one of the episodes, about her rune and how she bears the forbidden fruit of knowledge. *coughCOUGH*

Ok enough about WHR. I have this strange new character I just developed in the WHR universe. Yeah, I tend to do that. You know, invent new characters in different universes just for the heck of it. I have one in the GGXX timeline too. I think these are the two active characters I have in my head so far.

The WHR charac I invented is a guy (for once, lol) and is a Craft User (duh). Ice Craft, element water. Wolf familiar Fenrir. Blond hair, blue eyes, typically aristocratic air. Is about 7 years older than Robin, friends with her as well. I might write a fanfic for WHR, but I'm lazy, and besides, I don't have enough knowledge of the occult. Lol. I would have to delve into ancient runes and other witchcrafty things in order to write something convincing. You didn't think I would just dive headfirst into something without any prior background knowledge of the subject matter, did you?

My GGXX character is primarily a 2nd generation of the current GG crew. Parents are Sol and Millia. Yeah I know I'm weird, but so what, I like the pairing. Besides, I think its funny to see how a kid with parentage like that would turn out.

Actually I was wondering what might happen if I paired Millia with Ky. Definitely a blonde kid. Haha. And I think Millia's actually older than Ky, if I'm not wrong? *needs to doublecheck*

Of course, no one's older than Sol. Except possibly Slayer. The guy's a bloody vampire, for goodness sake. And his wife Sharon is just creepy. Lol.

Anyway, my charac has Sol and Millia as parents, so that makes her half-Gear, like Dizzy. The only two 2nd generation halfbreeds. XD Although I wonder whatever happened to Soluna, the other GEAR that's living a normal civilian life under supervision.

I just have this image of a chibi-Sol clinging on to Daddy Sol's leg and trying to touch Fueneken. Haha. And Millia getting overprotective over her kid, and her hair goes into overdrive trying to keep chibi-Sol out of trouble. Halfbreeds grow fast, if Dizzy is any indication. ;)

Oh and I keep getting random scene ideas where chibi-Sol steals Daddy Sol's Fueneken just for the heck of it. And also Uncle Ky's Furaiken. Haha. I can just so picture a pint sized miniature version of Sol sneaking around trying to play with her elders' weapons. Lol.

Oh, and I can't leave out the one where chibi-Sol bugs Testament to hell and back...until the older GEAR snaps and chases after the little one with scythe in hand. Until the parents, and Dizzy, step in to intervene. Lol.

And who can forget the one where my character, a little bit older now (and much MUCH more devious XD), continues to torment poor old Testament. Like stealing his scythe and hiding it. Or putting boldly pink ribbons into his hair. Or painting all his nails bright purple. And running behind Dizzy to hide whenever Testament discovers his current...predicament. ;)

And I can see Dizzy and my charac getting along really well, considering that they are the only two of their kind (halfbreeds) in the world. And I would like to add in a minor detail, that while Dizzy inherited her mother Justice's commander GEAR powers, my character is not a command-type as Sol apparently isn't one either. Instead, she inherits part of his demonic GEAR form and his fire innate powers as well. Oh, and I would wanna let her inherit Millia's GEAR-infused hair as well. XP That would be so cool.

On a side note, while I was using Dizzy in the game, I finally activated her Gamma Ray attack while playing one of the missions. It looks painful...but fun. XD And continuing this tangent, TRYING TO BEAT KY KISKE WITH DIZZY AT LESS THAN HALF HEALTH SUCKS. Not that it was that hard, but I had to rack up at least 2-hit combos for damage...again, not that hard when you're playing as Dizzy. It's the low life bar that's irritating...and the fact that Ky heals himself. Ugh.

Now I have this urge to go use Dizzy in the arcade mode. Or maybe Survival mode? But then again, most of my highest scores in survival mode come from using Millia. Haha. This coming from a person who started out not knowing how to use Millia at all. I guess I just like speedy characters that combo well. But problem is that if I try to be too fancy, I screw things up quickly in survival mode.

Basic rule in Survival mode: Don't think too much, just kill. XD Keep a bit of brain to adjust tactics against different opponents, but go for quick and simple. I tried being fancy and ended up dying. Sigh.

Anyway I need to go now. Night.

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