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Wednesday, May 10, 2006


That's all I'm gonna state for how I feel.

Blah blah, blah blah.

On a nicer note, PGSM Rei and Minako rock. *cough* Yes, totally off the point, but yeah, they do.

Just realised that Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is not only PGSM Minako's theme song (one of them anyway), but it is in a sense also MY theme song...now...if only I could live up to that hope in the song. At least it ends on a happy note (even though Minako dies in the first timeline...ah well).

It's just that first line that gets to me.

I'm sorry for hiding my face in sadness
I even forgot the way to walk

That's what I've been doing all along huh?

Tears...I'm not going to show them
Because inside of me
There is a battle

Do I even need to explain?

So yeah, Minako rocks because I can identify with her. Haha.

Anyway, downloaded 1000 words, both the english and japanese versions. Both are equally good, but something about the english version seizes my emotions and refuses to let go, probably because I can understand the lyrics. Haha. But I felt that the japanese version sounds more even. Hehe.

Anyway, I need to go now. Will post the lyrics here tomorrow. Maybe. Night.

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