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Monday, May 08, 2006

I made a HUGE mistake in reading shoujo-ai fanfics earlier. Lemon fanfics to boot. Now I'm feeling distinctly uncomfortable. Physically, I mean. I got over the embarrassment part already.

Damn. It's disturbing what kind of pairings get me worked up the most. Of course it also depends on the writer's skill. Sigh.

Oh and I just read a Rebecca/Wesker lemon. Was pretty good. That writer's talented, he/she's on my favorite authors list. Angst is fun. Of course, the smut was fun too, but the main focus was teh angst, and that just rocks.

Feeling uncomfortably warm now even with the fan on. I really need air conditioning if I want to read these stuff. Haha.

Can't say its a closet fetish anymore, since I actually posted it here on my blog, which is open to public. Ah well. I could do worse. So do I have any other closet fetishes? Hmm... *ponders*

Well...I can think of one...actually nothing too serious, but its rather amusing. Haha. No I'm not sharing what it is. A girl's gotta keep a few secrets too ya know.

Yadda yadda yadda. Don't think I could have a dreamless sleep tonight. If nothing else, kinky dreams will be a given. Sigh. More likely I'll have one of those disturbing semi-nightmares again that makes me wake up with a raised eyebrow. I do have an overactive imagination.

Well, I gotta go now. Cya.

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