Saturday, May 13, 2006
Krista, your IQ score is 133
The way you think about things makes you an Imaginative Mastermind. This means you are an extremely talented person, with a wide range of skills. There is little to nothing you can't do if you want to. You're very creative and you can express your ideas effectively through a variety of different means whether it's written or spoken words, numbers, or anything else. You also have a practical knowledge of how things work in the world — you've been paying attention and you pick things up easily.

You're great with numbers, whether you enjoy math or not. Your results show that you're not only good at calculations, you are much better than most people at understanding how to use numbers to your advantage.
How do we know that's your true talent? While you were taking the test, we calculated your responses to each test question and rated your skills in 5 areas. You scored highest on numerical ability.
People like you manage their personal finances with ease. In the work world, your numeric skill can help you in a variety of ways. Because so many other people have trouble understanding numbers and figures, you really have an opportunity to shine and use this talent to your advantage.
And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results. You also have other hidden talents that can have a dramatic effect on your career, your life and how other people see you.
Double lol.
Shows a lot, doesn't it? XD