Tuesday, July 11, 2006
As a follow up to the last post, Nao and Kozue should definitely meet up. They can exchange notes on men-baiting. XD
And I think Akio and Reito (the possessed version) should definitely have a long chat. Heh.
And I had a strange image that Shiho and Nanami should meet up. *coughoniisamacough*
Utena should probably talk to Akira. *coughcrossdresserscough*
Anthy and Fumi can probably sit down and discuss finer points of servitude.
Wakaba and Mikoto can exchange tips on the fine art of glomping.
Touga and Reito (student council vice president version) should also swap tips on making girls swoon.
Saionji can have a practice kendo match with Takeda while both of them angst over their respective obsessions. *coughanthyandnatsukicough*
Utena should advise Mai on how to avoid painful contact with the floor when being glomped.
Miki and Takumi should get along well. *coughtheirsisterscough*
Yukino should try to cheer Tsuwabuki up a little, since she's luckier than the poor boy.
Chie and Aoi can probably join forces with the Shadowplay girls. *sigh* ...the chaos...
As you can see, twisted imaginations in bringing the SKU and MH universes together. Hey what can I say, both have shoujo-ai elements, and the characters have disturbing parallels at times.
*suddenly has a brainwave* I know! Dios and Mashiro should exchange notes on patiently waiting for centuries!
*readers facefault*
Ehehehe.Seriously though, Akio and Lord Kokuyou have some serious parallels. And since Mashiro/Princess Suishou is his counterpart, that would make her parallel with Dios. *sighs*
Oh, and Shiho can get tips from Ruka and Shiori on sheer manipulative-ness. *shudders* Shiori manages to hurt Juri on a regular basis, while Ruka actually suckerpunches Juri by kissing Shiori while Juri was watching, and I think Shiho can follow in their footsteps given the chance....think when she coerced Yuuichi into kissing her while Mai was watching. Familiar yet? Plus her dark side is just...creepy.
There is no counterpart for Yuuichi in SKU, probably because he's not dysfunctional enough to have a counterpart in Ohtori Academy. Let's just face it, the guy's boring. The only contribution he makes is as Mai's and Shiho's Key. He tries to play hero, but anyone with eyes know that Mai is the real heroine anyway. Haha. As you can see, I don't like Tate Yuuichi. Maybe I'm just biased. Heh. Wouldn't be a long shot. I rather see Mai with Reito, for goodness' sake.
I suddenly remembered that Nagi should probably hook up with the Shadowplay Girls, and probably talk with Touga about their respective lapdog status to Lord Kokuyou and Akio respectively. Heh.
Ok enough of half-witted linkages between my two current favorite shoujo-ai series. I think I found a couple more shoujo-ai series to be watched. XD Fear me.
And I think Akio and Reito (the possessed version) should definitely have a long chat. Heh.
And I had a strange image that Shiho and Nanami should meet up. *coughoniisamacough*
Utena should probably talk to Akira. *coughcrossdresserscough*
Anthy and Fumi can probably sit down and discuss finer points of servitude.
Wakaba and Mikoto can exchange tips on the fine art of glomping.
Touga and Reito (student council vice president version) should also swap tips on making girls swoon.
Saionji can have a practice kendo match with Takeda while both of them angst over their respective obsessions. *coughanthyandnatsukicough*
Utena should advise Mai on how to avoid painful contact with the floor when being glomped.
Miki and Takumi should get along well. *coughtheirsisterscough*
Yukino should try to cheer Tsuwabuki up a little, since she's luckier than the poor boy.
Chie and Aoi can probably join forces with the Shadowplay girls. *sigh* ...the chaos...
As you can see, twisted imaginations in bringing the SKU and MH universes together. Hey what can I say, both have shoujo-ai elements, and the characters have disturbing parallels at times.
*suddenly has a brainwave* I know! Dios and Mashiro should exchange notes on patiently waiting for centuries!
*readers facefault*
Ehehehe.Seriously though, Akio and Lord Kokuyou have some serious parallels. And since Mashiro/Princess Suishou is his counterpart, that would make her parallel with Dios. *sighs*
Oh, and Shiho can get tips from Ruka and Shiori on sheer manipulative-ness. *shudders* Shiori manages to hurt Juri on a regular basis, while Ruka actually suckerpunches Juri by kissing Shiori while Juri was watching, and I think Shiho can follow in their footsteps given the chance....think when she coerced Yuuichi into kissing her while Mai was watching. Familiar yet? Plus her dark side is just...creepy.
There is no counterpart for Yuuichi in SKU, probably because he's not dysfunctional enough to have a counterpart in Ohtori Academy. Let's just face it, the guy's boring. The only contribution he makes is as Mai's and Shiho's Key. He tries to play hero, but anyone with eyes know that Mai is the real heroine anyway. Haha. As you can see, I don't like Tate Yuuichi. Maybe I'm just biased. Heh. Wouldn't be a long shot. I rather see Mai with Reito, for goodness' sake.
I suddenly remembered that Nagi should probably hook up with the Shadowplay Girls, and probably talk with Touga about their respective lapdog status to Lord Kokuyou and Akio respectively. Heh.
Ok enough of half-witted linkages between my two current favorite shoujo-ai series. I think I found a couple more shoujo-ai series to be watched. XD Fear me.
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