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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It just occurred to me that Shizuru and Juri should meet up and exchange notes over unrequited loves.


Yeah yeah that was random.

But so true, ne?

*grins madly*

Suddenly I had a juxtaposition of images...one with Shizuru and her insanely hooded eyes (naginta in hand, Kiyohime in flaming background), and another with Juri after her lost-of-control scene (complete with the screaming that "There are no miracles!" and trying-to-strangle Utena). I think they're more alike than I ever thought.


Both of them are in the student councils. Juri is a duelist, and Shizuru a HiME. Both are outwardly calm and composed and elegant. Both are secretly in love with their female friends. Both are excellent fighters. Both can be very creepy when they want to be. Both of them can freak out the resident delinquent of their schools (Kozue in SKU, Nao in MH). Both of them are dropdead gorgeous. I think I'll stop now. Hehe.

I completely skipped dinner today due to lack of will to eat. Might be depression, but I doubt it. Depression is familiar, and whatever I have now feels nothing like it. I don't feel sad. I don't feel empty. I just exist. Meh. Food seems irrelevant somehow. I shall go sleep now.

If sleep comes to me tonight, that is.

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