Friday, July 21, 2006
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship. You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
Wtf lol.
Let's analyse the traits one by one. XD
1) Well, that's true. I like being free. XD
2) That's true, I get bored way too easily, I need someone who can think fast enough to keep me sufficiently entertained. XD
3) Eh? I never thought of it that way...
4) Considering that that's the way my father is, I can't put up with someone like that as my partner. Not to mention that I'M the insecure one here, so we don't need two insecure people in need of reassurance in one relationship. XD
5) I swear, too much Haruka/Michiru influencing my love life's beliefs. *shrugs* They're the golden couple to me. Forever and ever and ever! XD
6) LMAO. I mean, seriously ROFLOL. So I can't commit eh? I knew that...if online flings are anything to count for, I simply just can't stay with one person for more than 2 weeks...and that's a stretch. Usually doesn't last more than 3 days...*cough* And I did two-time (or was it triple-time?? XP) once... Come on, I was younger then...I won't do that now...would I? *tries to look innocent* XD
7) I suppose...I can't imagine myself married really, see above. I probably end up cheating on my partner...bad girl...baaaaad girl. XD
8) Good point. ^__^ Since the figure of my obsession is currently unavailable (thank goodness), I'm free to obsess over other people for the time being. XD
Tralala. *is reminded of Key of Heart* Nyaaaaaa!!!
Materialize!! *too much Mai Otome x__x*
Maki maki. *Shiho is freaking scary XD*
Shizuru-sama!!! *squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!*
I wub Shizuru! Still my favorite anime girl. Favorite anime couple is Haruka/Michiru (too hard to dislodge them unfortunately). I would want to put Shizuru/Natsuki next in line, but only their Mai Otome incarnations. Too much angst in Mai-HiME, and not enough resolution. Sigh. But Minako/Rei in PGSM comes close, but too bad they're not exactly 'anime', since PGSM is live action. Oh yeah, Chikane/Himeko comes in on my top list too. XD
Sigh. I think I found a kindred shoujo-ai shipper. Another female Singaporean! Woohoo! 2 years older than me though. But had exactly the same reactions to certain anime (DIE TATE DIE!!! *cough* XD) Plus she adores Shizuru-sama as well, so brownie points to her! She also wubs Chikane, so more points! Lol. Unfortunately she also confirms that Chikane did in fact rape Himeko with a flute in the manga. *eye twitches* x__x
Fun fun fun! I like that girl. She has similar interests with me. Mostly the shoujo ai part, and anime in general (I don't like Godannar like she does though...the fanservice irritated me to the point that I stopped watching after like 5-6 episodes). And she admits that she gets turned on by explicit shoujo-ai manga. XD I definitely like this girl.
Still reading through her blog, about halfway through. It's mostly anime reviews, which I'm having fun reading through, especially when she's commenting on Mai-HiME/Otome. I like the way she skips to ShizNat moments. Muahahahha.
Ok gotta stop now. XD Shizuru/Natsuki forever! *huggles Shizuru plushie while smiling blissfully*
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