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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It's time to say goodbye to this blog.

About time, really. It's been a good 2 years since I started it, and it has lots of memories, both good and bad.

A time of adolescence, recorded in all its childish splendour. At times I'm almost embarrassed by the horrid details embedded in here. Was I ever so foolish, so self-absorbed, so petty and selfish?

Perhaps I still am. I am, after all, still within a period possibly acknowledged as adolescence. I have a long way to go before true maturity. I am, as many still love to say, a child. A foolish, immature, silly little kid.

Ah, the taste of bitterness tainting those words. Yes, it's been a bitter, cynical 2 years since. Despite the cheeriness, the carefree and happy-go-lucky attitude, the bitterness that was seared into the darkest depths of my soul still lingered on like a bad memory. It was never gone fully, was it?

But enough of that sweet poison. This is the last post, it should at least be a little more elegaic in essence. Well, at least that's what is should be. But then again, I've never been much for elegance, have I? I might make up all the pretty showings of graceful courtesy, but my coarse upbringing rears its ugly head ever so often. How distressing.

Enough of courtly pretensions. I can't truly say what brought this on. It just felt right somehow. Being on the brink of taking the A Level exams, a phase that will signal the end of an era and the beginning of another section of my life, I should perhaps also close that chapter of my life with this act. It seems most appropriate, in some uniquely obscure manner that probably makes sense only to me.

Well, it's been a long journey. Many thanks to the readers who, for some perverse reason or other, have accompanied myself along this perilous journey to some understanding. I cannot fathom why anyone would find my blog an entertaining read, unless you happen to be Kanai, who is virtually a twisted (in a good way!) reflection of myself. She finds my moments of insanity amusing, for whatever reason. I think she knows rather well that I'm faking it with aplomb, and is sharing the joke with myself as well. After all, two liars and puppeteers recognise each other's trade when they encounter it.

Ah, too many secrets. Musn't reveal too much. And then again, who really understands us if they are not like ourselves?

Time to say farewell now, I suppose. It has been fun, writing for pure entertainment and narcissistic pleasure. I won't delete this blog, after all, it does hold many precious memories, though some I would rather gladly excise from living memory if I could possibly help it. Ah, what nonsense, we should accept life as it is, with both good and bad. No point obscuring the truth for the sake of some ephemeral notion of pride and honour.

Well well, I'm getting really naggy. Will stop now. Farewell, and take care.

...like hell. Have fun and live life! To hell with caution! Cheers!

静.绚湖 拜上

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